Taxi - 出租车
Uber - 网约车
Fare - 车费
Meter - 计价器
Rental car - 租车
Driver's license - 驾照
Reservation - 预定
GPS - 全球定位系统
Insurance - 保险
Drop-off location - 还车地点
Gas Station/Petrol Station - 加油站
Shuttle bus - 机场大巴
Ticket - 票
Bus stop - 车站
Call a taxi - 叫出租车
How much is the fare? - 车费多少?
Turn on the meter - 打开计价器
I have a reservation - 我有预定
Pick up the car - 提车
Return the car - 还车
Do you accept credit cards? - 你们接受信用卡吗?
Where is the nearest gas station? - 最近的加油站在哪里?
Where can I buy a ticket? - 哪里可以买票?
Where is the bus stop? - 车站在哪里?
在机场打车非常简单,一是不需要预定,直接上车就好(在国外,出租车一般都是要预定的,只有机场和大型酒店才有随时可走的出租车)。二是沟通简单,最不济,拿出地址对着司机说:hi,go here. Please。英语稍微好点,可以和司机师傅聊聊天。
租车相对复杂,没有预定直接去柜台租车,对英语的要求就高一截。单单选车的过程,就会出现大量的不常用单词。比如说品牌,Hyundai(现代),Sabaru(斯巴鲁),Volkswagen(大众),两厢车(hatchback),三厢(Sedan),房车(Recreational Vehicle,简称RV)。这些都是中文最普通不过的词语,一旦转换为英文,就特别难受。比如想租一辆韩国现代,一个Hyundai 发音就把我们卡住了。
取车基本上分以下几步:1) 到达租车柜台,出示预定;2) 出示证件,确定保险和一些事项,签几张表格;3)拿到钥匙,停车场取车。
Tourist: Hi, can you take me to the Hilton Hotel downtown?
Taxi Driver: Sure. Do you have an address?
Tourist: Yes, it's 123 Main Street.
Taxi Driver: Got it. Please fasten your seatbelt.
Tourist: How much will it cost approximately?
Taxi Driver: It should be around $30, depending on the traffic.
Tourist: That's fine. Can you please turn on the meter?
Taxi Driver: Of course. Do you have any preference for the route?
Tourist: No, just the fastest way, please.
Taxi Driver: Alright. Here we go.
Tourist: Thank you. How long will it take to get there?
Taxi Driver: It should take about 20 minutes.
Tourist: Great. Thank you.
Customer: Hi, I have a reservation for a rental car.
Rental Agent: Welcome. Can I have your driver's license and credit card, please?
Customer: Sure, here they are.
Rental Agent: Thank you. I see you have booked a compact car(紧凑型轿车)for three days. Is that correct?
Customer: Yes, that's correct.
Rental Agent: Would you like to add any additional insurance coverage(保险)?
Customer: What are the options?
Rental Agent: We have basic coverage, which is included, and you can upgrade to full coverage(全险)for an additional $15 per day.
Customer: I'll go with the full coverage, please.
Rental Agent: Great. Do you need a GPS or a child seat(儿童座椅)?
Customer: No, I have my own GPS, but I do need a child seat.
Rental Agent: No problem. That will be an additional $10 per day. Your total comes to $150. How would you like to pay?
Customer: I'll pay with my credit card.
Rental Agent: Alright, please sign here. Here are your keys and the rental agreement(租赁协议). The car is parked in lot A, space 45.
Customer: Thank you. Can you tell me where the nearest gas station(加油站) is?
Rental Agent: There's one just outside the airport. Turn right when you exit the parking lot, and you'll see it on your left.
Customer: Great. One more question, where do I return the car?
Rental Agent: You can return it here at the same location. Just follow the signs for 'Car Rental Return.'
Customer: Thank you very much for your help.
Rental Agent: You're welcome. Have a safe trip!
第二个是个人情况,主要关乎两点:驾驶技术和体力。国外交规和国内不同,熟悉并适应交规对应变能力是一个小小的考验。又比如,英联邦国家都是右驾,靠左行驶,和国内直接反过来。这个其实很简单,可是容易反致命错误。以新西兰为例,所有租车的方向盘上都会套一个醒目的标牌: Drive on the left / 靠左行驶.
自驾游,是个表面风光,实则冷暖自知的活。朋友圈,小红书的自驾游,一个比一个潇洒, 一个比一个自在。实际情况是,回到住处,一个比一个累趴。
经济允许的话, 当地找个导游兼职司机是个比较稳妥的方案。时间灵活方便, 还能保证安全。